PCS-DM40 - Single HDMI Plate
Single HDMI connection female to female.
Insert Option for: PCS90, 91 and 92.
Insert Option for: PCS90, 91 and 92.
Note: HDMI signal quality may be compromised when using cables over 50' in length. It is typically recommended that longer cables include an amp to serve as a signal booster. Note, however, active high speed HDMI cables are not recommended when using a coupler, switch, splitter, or matrix. Connecting multiple active HDMI cables in a series may result in signal failure.
Tip: Test cables and connections before installing inside a wall - if there are any issues or problems, we can help you resolve them before you spend the time, effort, and expense of installing them inside the walls.
Tip: Test cables and connections before installing inside a wall - if there are any issues or problems, we can help you resolve them before you spend the time, effort, and expense of installing them inside the walls.
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