Doug's News October 2024

Doug's News October 2024

Doug's News October 2024
Last month I mentioned how important it was to register and to vote and hinted about how many elections were won or lost by one vote.

Dear Friends:

Last month I mentioned how important it was to register and to vote and hinted about how many elections were won or lost by one vote. Here are just a few:

• Thomas Jefferson, in 1811, became President by one vote.
• In 1823, John Quincy Adams won the Presidency by one vote.
• One vote made Texas part of the USA in 1845.
• In 1877, one vote elected Rutherford B. Hayes to President.
• In 1960, one vote per precinct made John F. Kennedy President.
• George W. Bush won the Presidency in 2000 by capturing Florida's Electoral College votes; of more than 6 million Florida votes cast, Bush won by 537, or 0.0000895% (less than 1 per 1,000,000 votes).

Can you imagine the voters who sat at home in the above examples, and because they sat at home, "the other guy" won? Trust me, your vote DOES count! Your vote is what keeps our democracy a democracy!

It may not be too late to register to vote. Go to: Voter Registration Deadlines – Vote.Org to find your deadline.

Douglas A.J. Mockett

Mutts © 2022 Patrick McDonnell, Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.