Doug's News July 2024

Doug's News July 2024

Doug's News July 2024
Summer 2024 is here and time to enjoy the Summer, whether at the mountains,the beaches, the pool, or the backyard BBQ.

Dear Friends:

Summer 2024 is here and time to enjoy the Summer, whether at the mountains,the beaches, the pool, or the backyard BBQ. Time for well deserved R&R.

Just a few weeks ago we displayed our furniture parts and components at NeoCon, the largest design exposition and conference for commercial interiors in North America. 2024 is our 45th anniversary and 40th of exhibiting at NeoCon.

Our massive 140 foot long by 22 feet wide booth had many of our components on display; we even built sample home office, executive office, kitchen and library settings to better show the parts as they would be used in real life. That was a big hit as visitors could envision how our parts would fit into their furniture.

The biggest hits were our New Concepts and New Products tables; always a crowd around them. Being the leader in Power and Communications Systems those tables were also jammed.

Times seem to be changing as the show was packed with attendees, many new faces and many new companies. Signs of good health!

In addition we had a record number of people stopping by, fully one third more than last year. Good signs!

A very happy Fourth of July to you and yours, and our best for the rest of the year.

Douglas A.J. Mockett